Thursday, October 31, 2019

European free trade zone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

European free trade zone - Essay Example The seven member countries of EFTA including Austria, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland were not willing to be the part of the European Economic Community at that time. Finland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein joined EFTA later. Under the EFTA treaty, the member countries made a partnership in order to form and manage a free trade zone, and they initially established such a region among themselves; the free trade area then eventually broadened to include the European Community. By the formation of a European free trade zone, the member countries aimed â€Å"increased productivity, a more efficient use of resources, the expansion of economic activity and full employment as well as promoting financial stability and improving living standards† (â€Å"European free trade area†). Gradually, some countries left the EFTA and presently the EFTA comprises Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. In 1992, EFTA made agreements with EEA (Euro pean Economic Area) to aid its members to join the European internal market freely. These agreements contained specific provision regarding the preservation of social policy, consumer rights, environment, and company law and statistics. In addition, the agreement also included various provisions for the mutual cooperation of EEA-EFTA Member States in various areas such as researches and development, information technology, education, industrial operations, tourism, multimedia sector and civil protection (â€Å"European free trade area†). As Ranchev and Georgi point out, in Southeast Europe, seven countries including Albania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Macedonia, and FR Yugoslavia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 27th June 2001 for the establishment of a free trade zone in that area (1-13). After the collapse of the Iron curtain, two free trade areas namely Baltic Free Trade Area (BAFTA) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) were for med so as to stabilize the countries under these areas for membership of the EU. However, the original members from both these areas left the agreements and joined EU after the enlargement of EU in 2004. CEFTA has spread its operations to Southern Europe by adding members from Western Balkans and Moldova regions. The EU not only operates as a free trade area but it engages in more widespread operations with its predecessor, the European Economic Community. The EU offers services to EFTA members by sharing its single market through European Economic Area and it maintains provisions for making free trade agreements with most other European countries. Presently Europe includes three multi-lateral free trade areas in addition to the European Union which maintains a single market and one former-FTA. Crises to European Free Trade Zone The European free trade area has faced a large number of crises from the beginning of its history. Although, the free trade zone implementation process for Southeast Europe has been well structured, many economists opine that this trade liberalization process may result in adverse economic impacts. Ranchev and Georgi strongly argue that the concept of free trade zone would raise potential threats to the sustainable economic growth of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

US faces worst recession in 26 years Essay Example for Free

US faces worst recession in 26 years Essay The United States is once again experiencing a recession similar to what happened in 1982. The Treasury and Federal Reserve Offices are caught in surprise as they did not expect the economy to take such a fast and dramatic collapse as it has been doing for the past months. As a result, there has been a slowing down of retail sales as consumer confidence collapses. People are not spending as much as before. They are not using their credit cards and making loans as often. Home prices are going down. Foreign demand is also weakening. Alan Blinder, a professor at Princeton and former Fed vice-chairman, is certain that the country will face a recession worse than in 2001 or 1990 but the concern now, according to him, is making sure that this recession is less deep and less long than the 1982 recession. The government has put into action the $100 billion rescue plan to stabilize the banking system and hopes that it will improve things in the next few weeks. Columbia professor and former Fed governor, Frederic Mishkin, believes that in spite the bailout, the damage has been done already so that the future still looks uncertain. In the meantime, the possibility of rising unemployment rates threatens to deepen the housing slump, depress mortgage rates and increase non-payments of consumer loans. Nevertheless, Fed officials continue to look for ways and options to improve the economic outlook of the future. I agree with the writer’s views that the economic recession exists and that it is bound to get worse even as Fed officials are doing as much as they can to at least soften the blow of the crisis. No one can deny it as we feel it everyday through stories of friends or their parents who got laid-off, who have to move because they cannot pay their house mortgages anymore or those who could not pay their credit card interests anymore. However, the economic recession that the country is experiencing today can be looked upon as just another financial problem for the United States. In the history of modern America, the country has undergone one economic crisis after another, but is still able to rise above each one. For years before every economic downturn, the country has grown and improved. One cannot always be moving up. One has to fall sometimes. The crisis today is a good wake-up call to Americans who have become too comfortable with being citizens of a rich country so that they simply buy things on credit, confident that they would always find the means to pay for them because salaries would keep increasing and their standard of living would only keep improving. A recession makes the people conscious of their spending habits and maybe this is why after a while, the economy grows again. When all of America learns to be more conservative about their spending and become more conscious of how they manage their money, the economy would improve. Reference Guha, Krishna. (19 October 2008). â€Å"US faces worst recession in 26 years,† The Financial Times. Last updated on October 19, 2008. Accessed from http://www. ft. com/cms/s/0/232eb4de-9e20-11dd-bdde-0077b07658. html? nclick_check=1

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Development Of Psychology As A Scientific Discipline Philosophy Essay

The Development Of Psychology As A Scientific Discipline Philosophy Essay One of the most notable figure in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline is RenÄâ€Å" Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician. Descartes was most recognized as a proponent of dualism which supported the idea that all reality can be divided into two vivid and distinct entities: mind and matter. Descartes distinguished himself from other philosophers in that he proposed an existing link or interaction between mind and matter called interactionism. This was the key development in psychology as a scientific discipline because it led to two key principles in psychology introspectionism and behaviourism. Despite Descartes emphasis on the rationalism which is the pursuit of truth through the process of reasoning, John Locke, the British first empiricist, suggested that empiricism which involves the pursuit of truth through observation and experience is the preferred method of investigation. Being the pioneer to define self through a continuity of consciousness, Locke postulated that the mind was a blank slate of tabula rasa. Contrary to Descarts cartesian philosophy, he believed that we were born without innate idea and that the knowledge is instead measured only by experience derived from various sense perceptions. Yet, some of the information attained from our senses is subjective and non-trustworthy while some are objective and trustworthy. He put great emphasis upon the belief that our knowledge of complex experiences were made up from the links between simple and primary sensations. This idea was further developed by David Hume, a Scottish philosopher, known especially for his philosophical empiricism and scepticism. Yet, there was a slight difference from Lockes argument. While Locke wrote of innate ideas, Hume introduced the concept of perceptions which consisted of impressions and ideas and strove to develop a total naturalistic science of man that examined the human nature on a psychological basis. To Hume, impressions were the most important perceptions because they were derived directly from observations. He strongly believed that only empirically derived content are valuable and trustworthy. Thus, he developed positivism the philosophy of science rooted on the view that data derived from sensory experience and that logical and mathematical analysis of such data produce all authoritative knowledge. In contrast to the empiricists, George Berkely, an Anglo-Irish philosopher proposed that our knowledge comes from the inferences derived from experience through our senses instead of simply coming from direct experiences. His notable achievement of the advancement of the theory called immaterialism or subjective idealism which denies the existence of material substance. In contrast, this theory contends that objects are only ideas in the perceivers minds hence cannot exist without being perceived. A Scottish philosopher, Kames Mill then further developed on the idea and moved the focus from animism to materialism which is a belief that truth can be founded only after a thorough understanding of our physical world. The assumption that Mill insisted was that humans and animals were basically the same that both were entirely physical in their outer look and were totally subjected to the physical laws of the universe. Though agreed in essence with Descartes primary approach in understanding the human body, Mill was against the concept of an immaterial mind. Later on in the mid-1800s, a German physiologist, Wilhelm Wundt, used scientific research methods to investigate reaction times and his book, Principles of Physiological Psychology illustrated many of the main connections between the science of physiology and the study of humans thought and behaviour. The opening of the worlds first psychology lab at the University of Leipzig in 1879 marked the official beginning of psychology as a distinct scientific discipline. Wundt maintained that psychology is a study of humans consciousness and intended to apply as many experimental methods as possible to investigating and understanding internal mental processes. Though his use of introspection is seen as a non-trustable and non-scientific method today, his early work during the days helped to kick-start a stage for future experimental methods and hence was significant in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline. One of the Wundts most famous student, Edward B.Titchener went on to develop amd found psychologys first major school of thought and proposed the idea that human consciousness can be broken down into smaller parts via introspection. He was one of the most prominent structuralist. While structuralism was notable for its emphasis on science research, its methods were less convincing, unreliable, limiting and subjective. The concept essentially died when Titchener passed away in 1927. In response to structuralism, functionalism, an American perspective which was largely influenced by the work of William James and the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin emerged. Functionalists sought for explanation for the mental processes in much systematic and accurate way. Instead of focussing on the elements of consciousness, they focussed on its purpose. This brings psychology a step closer to scientific discipline by placing great emphasis on systematic research method. In early 20th Century, another major school of thought known as behaviourism rose to dominance. It was a significant change from the past theoretical views. In fact, it was aimed to transform psychology into a much scientific discipline by solely emphasising on observable behaviour. It was started by Ivan Pavlov and two of the strongest advocates were John B.Watson and B.F. Skinner. However, behaviourism does not encourage scientific psychology. Among all, the concept of empiricism developed by philosophers John Locke and David Hume was the most significant leap in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Friday, October 25, 2019

lord of the flies :: essays research papers

CHAPTER 7 - SHADOWS AND THE TREES The boys continue their search of the island and moves towards the mountaintop. When they stop to eat, Ralph's mind wanders to other things. He observes the boys and again realizes they have become dirty and unkempt, a state of their freedom which he accepts as normal. Ralph then looks at the vast ocean. It seems as if the sea acts like a barrier, preventing their rescue, keeping them from civilization, and condemning them. Simon joins him and interrupts Ralph's thoughts of home. He tries to calm the leader by assuring him that they will certainly be rescued soon. Later in the day, the hunters are delighted to discover fresh pig droppings. They decide to hunt the pig while searching for the beast. Soon everyone spies the wild boar and wildly gives chase. Ralph joins the madness, excited by the thrill of the adventure, and throws a wooden spear, which hits the boar's snout. Since it is his first hunt, he is delighted at his accuracy and tries to gain the respect and appreciation of the boys. Jack draws the attention away from Ralph by displaying his bloodied arm, wounded by the tusks of the boar. Although the hunt ends with the wild animal escaping, the boys are still filled with excitement. They have a mock play with Robert at the center representing the pig. Jack, Ralph, and the boys perform a savage dance and jab at Robert with the spears almost injuring him seriously. As Robert struggles to get free, the boys chant frenziedly. The desire to hunt and draw blood almost overpowers them, but they manage to bring themselves under control. Ralph uneasily reminds everyone that it has only been a game; but the leader now understands the exhilaration of participating in a hunt. Since it is growing dark, there is a discussion among the boys as to whether they should stay on this side of the mountain and hunt the beast or return to Piggy and the "littluns". They decide to stay, and the kind Simon offers to go off through the forest alone to inform Piggy of the plans. Because it is night, Ralph feels that they should postpone their search until daylight. Jack accuses him of cowardice and Ralph gives in. While the other boys stay behind, Ralph, Jack and Roger begin to climb the mountain, but Ralph still feels it is a foolish

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Morality Essay Essay

In 1994 Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography thanks to a photograph that he took in the village of Ayod in Sudan of a child crawling towards a feeding center. Whether it was morally right for him to have captured that moment instead of helping the child is a debate with many people. Some people believe that it was right because it helped stop the famine in Africa, others believe it was wrong because he did not aid the child after taking the picture. It is understood that there was thousands of refugees walking and crawling towards the food center, so was he suppose to help everyone or just that child? In philosophy class we have been talking about Morality in Kant’s point of view which is the Categorical Imperative and also about the Morality point of view based on Consequentialism. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child because of Kant’s point of view on Morality, and that he should have not won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on this photo and I will explain why in this essay. According to Kant we should base morality on the Universal Law which means we should universalize our actions. This law is the same as the Golden Rule; Treat others the way you want to be treated. What Kant established basically was that we should respect all persons morally equal. The Consequentialism point of view on morality on the other hand is that we should base it on the principle of utilitarianism which means that for an action to be moral it must produce â€Å"The Greatest amount of Good for the Greatest amount of people†. Even though I agree with the consquentialism point of view on morality I do not agree with it this time. Why? Because I believe that at all times we should treat others the way we want to be treated and that all humans are equal. This is why when answering our question I based my answer on Kant’s point of view based on morality. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child after he took the picture. First of all I believe that Kevin should have not taken the picture period, he should have right away went to aid the child. Like Kant said we should treat others the way we want to be treated, if Carter was in a position like that he would have not liked to be left there to his own luck. I understand that Carter had a professional obligation where he is only an observer not a participant, which means he was only there to observe and take pictures of the whole situation. I also understand that he was there illegally and that he did not want to get caught yet he had a personal responsibility to help the child. In passage given to us by Professor Jordan it is said that Carter was with a group of photojournalist called â€Å"the Bang-Bang Club† by a Johannesburg magazine. These people wanted to make the world aware of all the issues of injustice. There is where I believe that Carter’s personal responsibility plays role. Carter wanted the world do be aware of all the issues going around the world and for them to help. They were there because they wanted other countries all around the world to stop the famine, yet he did not help a child when it was in his hands to help that child and just left. Carter here was contradicting his believes to start with. Carter did not only just take the picture but waited several minutes for the vulture to spread his wings so he could get a more dramatic shot. Carter did not only use the child to get a picture but waited patiently to get a better picture instead of scaring the vulture right away from the child and helping him or her. There were more pictures that could have impacted us, and I am sure that if he looked around he would have found this is why I do not believe he should have taken the picture. I do not believe that he should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on that photo. I think that it was wrong to win a prize by using other people. Carter used the child and did not even aid the child. Considering that I believe that it was wrong for Carter to have even taken that picture I strongly do not believe that he should have won that prize. Carter could have used any other photograph to get his point across yet he decided to use that one and take his sweet time to take it anyways, he used the child and did not help her. I honestly do no believe that he should have one that prize. In Conclusion I believe that Carter should have not used the child to take that picture, and he shouldn’t have won the prize. I believe that Carter had the responsibility to help the child because he saw the child suffering and in danger of getting attacked by the vulture. Given the fact that he was the only one there he had the responsibility to help the child. We should do unto others what we would like to be done to us. If I was in that child’s position I would have liked to be helped like I am sure Carter would have too. I think that if Carter would have helped the child he would have not been depressed and committer suicide because he would have known he did something good by helping the child. Like I said before I am pretty sure he could have chosen another photograph to get his point across to have people help stop the famine. Besides he wanted people to help yet it was in his reach to help this child and he did not? He was going against his own believes in my opinion. I believe that it was morally wrong for Carter to not help the child get to the food bank or at least a safer place, closer to were that child could get the help needed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Linsey Belford U5E Essay Example

Linsey Belford U5E Essay Example Linsey Belford U5E Essay Linsey Belford U5E Essay Friar Lawrence is often seen as a character who tragically meddles with events he cannot control. What is your opinion of Friar Lawrence in the play Romeo and Juliet? What do you consider are the most important aspects of his role in the play? You should consider how Shakespeare guides the audiences response to the Friars character within a dramatic performance.The audience knows in Romeo and Juliet that from the moment the play starts there will be tragic events that lead to many different consequences. Decisions are made by by-standers that affect others lives and things go wrong. This could be seen as meddling but it is not always the case. Friar Lawrence does make decisions regarding some of the other characters lives and he cannot control these so they end in one major tragedy.In the play Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is seen as a meddler between the two star-crossed lovers lives. This means that fate is already against them given the fact that there is a historical conflict between their families. He plays an active part in the most crucial moments of the play where life-changing decisions must be made. At first, the Friar does not initiate events, it is the other characters that approach the Friar and lead him into the play. Friar Lawrence only does as others ask and this usually involves solving a problem. He does this as a religious figure and also as a good friend, even parent figure, to them.Friar Lawrence is first introduced to the play in Act 2 Scene 3 when all the dramatic and most important themes are well established. Previous to this scene violence had taken place and the Friars scene contrasts to this. This is showing that the Friar is a calm and philosophical character interacting with nature and can be seen as a calm figure.The Friar opens Act 2 Scene 3 with a speech. He is talking about earth and nature and says sentences that balance. Some of the things he speaks about are contrasting.The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning nightbalef ul weeds and precious-juicà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d flowersThese lines and many others that he says portray a good and bad side to things in life in general. He talks about there being good and bad in everyone which is ironic to talk about it at this stage as we see him as good and bad throughout the play, in his best moments and his worst. To start the Friar is portrayed as a non-meddler as he is on his own and is then approached by Romeo.We see the Friar from many aspects, sometimes playing the hero, meddler and occasionally the fool. It is hard to work out the consequences of what may have happened if Friar Lawrence did not become involved and make his decisions. The end may have been a lot worse for the families overall.The Friar plays the hero at first before he goes through the stages of being a meddler then a fool. Making decisions was not the Friars best quality and he needed to think his decisions through properly before putting them into practice. This is how the point of the Friar ca n be argued. The Friar may be a meddler but he interferes with good intentions.The Friar gives sensible advice at first but is then motivated by the fact that he can solve larger problems such as ending the conflict between the two families of the Capulets and the Montagues. He feels that if he can unite these families that he will have achieved something major and may be praised for his actions.For this alliance may so happy prove,To turn your households rancour to pure loveEven though he is a philosophical figure he does not consider the consequences of the task he is trying to do and this is why it results in a tragedy. During the play the Friar does not seem to show any bad motives and is only trying to do his best to help others. However, this does not always work.Tragically meddling is not really the Friars major role in the play and if his does interfere it is due to others asking for his help. Romeo talks to the Friar a lot as a father figure and asks for his help on many oc casions. When Romeo is banished from Verona by the Prince, the first person he turns to is the Friar who comforts him. This is the very caring side of the Friar but this changes in another part of the play.An hour but married, Tybalt murderà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d,Doting like me, and like me banishà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½dIt is clear to see that Romeo would rather face death than to be banished as if he was dead then he would not be able to think about or long for Juliet. The Friar returns with the comment that he is ungrateful but tries to provide a solution so that he will still be able to confirm his marriage to Juliet and everything will be fine when he returns from Mantua in a few months. This soon becomes sorted and at this stage the lovers have backing from Juliets nurse.The parents of both the lovers are unaware that their only child have got married and are just about to confirm this. This comes across, as the Friar is the one who is helping them. Both families could stop the wedding at any point and this is where the Friar risks losing his respect from others by helping them and agreeing to go ahead with the marriage. However, Juliets parents have found Juliet an eligible man to marry, named Paris, and so have arranged a marriage ceremony with the Friar. They do not really consult Juliet with this. This is another point in the story where a character approaches the Friar for help; this time it is Juliet concerned that she will be forced to marry Paris, the eligible chosen man to be her husband.It is at this point that the Friar thinks up a plan to stop the marriage from taking place and the idea of a sleeping potion is the best that he can think of. The Friar cannot have thought this through properly as if he had he would have seen all the disadvantages that were involved. Juliet needs to be guided on using the potion and so the Friar gives instructions. It is this scene, Act 4 Scene 5, that the audience can see a different side to the Friar and how he reacts under pressur e. It is actually in the Capulets mansion that the audience see the Friars reaction in a stressful situation and it is also where several of the Friars scenes take place. All the settings that the Friar can be seen in are very personal. For example he is first introduced when he is in his cell. Another place is a room in the Capulets mansion.Lord and Lady Capulet find Juliet dead in her bed on the morning of her marriage to Paris. The Friar is called to bless the body and this is where the Friar can be seen as uncaring. He is abrupt with the Capulets as they do not know what is going on but he knows she is not really dead.Dry up your tears, and stick your rosemaryYet natures tears are reasons merrimentThis is how the Friar rebukes the family for grieving over Juliets death. He says that she is much better in heaven away from the cruel world so to stop crying and get her to church. With the having to organise the funeral and the news of Juliets death spreading quickly the Friar canno t deliver a letter to Romeo personally explaining what is going on so he sends someone else to do this. This message is very important and as it cannot be delivered due to a disease, this starts another major problem. In my opinion, the Friar should have given the letter to Romeo before he gave Juliet the potion but the Friar had to act instantly for Juliet so he could not have done this. Romeo hears the news by word of mouth and does not get the actual explanation of what is going on. He therefore immediately travels to see Juliets body.Once again the Friar has interfered with peoples lives and the problem that he thought he had solved for Juliet has only created an even bigger problem for himself with regards to Romeo. I think that the audience, if shown in a dramatic performance, could become very tense here as the pace of the play is increasing and whether or not Romeo will get the message in time keeps the audience in suspense. It is clear to see the desperation of Romeo to be with Juliet, dead or alive, and he does not hesitate to break his banishment and visit her instantly.Ill be with thee straightAnd if man did need a poison nowIt is in the last crucial scenes that most of the action takes place. The viewer has to be paying attention or they can lose track of what is going on. Romeo visits Juliet and kills himself just as Juliet wakes from her sleep. She realises that she cannot use any of the poison he used to kill himself so instead takes Romeos dagger and stabs herself. The Friar was in the tomb as she woke but fled as he heard people coming. Juliet would not have killed herself if the Friar had not have left. At the end of the play the Friar asks for forgiveness from the Prince, as he feels guilty for all the things he has done. He is granted forgiveness as the Prince realises that the Friar did not mean to meddle and that he just got tangled up between two lovers in need.Many, in anti-catholic audiences, may see the Friar as a meddling character. This was in Elizabethan times when the new Church of England had just come about and many did not like Catholics. Friar Lawrence was a Catholic and this may be another reason why people may feel he meddles and causes problems. It is fair to say that individual audience members will view this play differently, maybe even in accordance to their own lives. Some will consider the Friar as a meddler while others could see all along that he was good natured and just wanted to help the lovers who already had fate against them. He tries to show consideration for both families throughout the play and I think that at the most stressful point of the play in the Capulets mansion that the Friar shows he is only human and this is where he realises that he should not have interfered and starts to panic.At the end of the play it is clear to see that the Friar has changed and has learnt a lesson of not meddling with peoples lives. He can see that although his intentions were good, they caused troub le and that truth was the best option to use when dealing with both families. The audience may take pity on the Friar because he does apologise to the Prince and all involved and ask to be punished proving that he realises his mistakes.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Spinner Pet Sitters

Spinner Pet Sitters The current report presents a balanced scorecard for Spinner Pet Sitters. Based on the balanced scorecard and the company’s performance, the report also provides recommendations for Shelly to improve its performance in the coming years.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Spinner Pet Sitters specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Balanced Scorecard for Spinner Pet Sitters A balanced scorecard is a strategic management tool, which is used to align a business’ performance and activities with its mission, vision, and objectives. Based on the information provided in the case study, the following balanced scorecard is developed for Spinner Pet Sitters: Perspective Objectives Measures Organizational Goal Actual Performance Gap Financial Perspective Increase quarterly profits to $ 5,000 Increase return on capital employed (ROCE) to $ 4,000 Profit results for the quarter Return on capital employed (ROCE) for the quarter Profit for the quarter = $ 5,000 Return on capital employed (ROCE) for the quarter = $ 4,000 Profit for the quarter = $ 6,000 Return on capital employed (ROCE) for the quarter = $ 1,500 $1,000 $2,500 Customer Perspective Increase customer satisfaction to 95 percent Increase customer recommendation rate to 80 percent Customer satisfaction rate Customer recommendation rate Customer satisfaction rate = 95 percent Customer recommendation rate = 80 percent Customer satisfaction rate = 95 percent Customer recommendation rate = 100 percent 0% 20% Internal Processes To reduce duplication of activities in relation to different functions in the organization To reduce bottlenecks in the processes Percentage of completed activities which are duplicated in other functions Percentage of bottlenecks in an average run cycle Percentage of completed activities which are duplicated in other functions = 25 percent Percentage of bottleneck s in an average run cycle = 15 percent Percentage of completed activities which are duplicated in other functions = 20 percent Percentage of bottlenecks in an average run cycle = 15 percent -5% 0% People / Innovation / Growth Assets To reduce turnover of employees To increase job satisfaction among employees Employees’ turnover rate Employees’ job satisfaction rate Employees’ turnover rate = 25 percent Employees’ job satisfaction rate = 90 percent Employees’ turnover rate = 0 percent Employees’ job satisfaction rate = 50 percent -25% -40% Recommendations for Spinner Pet Sitters Keeping in view the planned and actual performance of Spinner Pet Sitters and the gaps identified in the balanced scorecard presented above, following recommendations have been put forward for Spinner Pet Sitters to improving its performance. The quarterly profits were reported to be above the targeted level, which is a positive sig n for the company. However, in order to maintain the continuous growth in profits, the company needs to achieve higher efficiency in its operations. On the other hand, the return on capital employed was considerably lower than expected. In the coming periods, this could be improved by investing additional capital resources for enhancing the operational efficiency of the business. As far as the customer satisfaction rate and customer recommendation rate are concerned, the actual results show that all expectations were met during the quarter. However, it is recommended that the business should keep its focus on delivering high quality and practicing effective customer care to ensure sustainability. The efficiency level in the company’s processes should be improved in order to reduce the duplication of activities. Jobs should be enriched and job designs should be reconsidered to improve the overall job satisfaction level of employees. Reference List Balanced Scorecard Institute . (2013). Balanced Scorecard Basics. Retrieved from Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. (1992). The balanced scorecard-Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review, 70(1), 71-79.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Symbolism in the Dolls House Essays

Symbolism in the Dolls House Essays Symbolism in the Dolls House Paper Symbolism in the Dolls House Paper Essay Topic: A Dolls House Symbolism in The Doll’s House Katherine Mansfield’s The Doll’s House, clearly illustrates the symbolic journey of Kezia as she wanders in her childhood purity. The symbolic relationship that Kezia develops with the lamp in The Doll’s House, is critical to the development of the plot. In addition, the depiction of Kezia, provides a contrasting outlook on English hierarchy. To begin, the Burnell Children receive a doll’s house from Mrs. Hay. As the two eldest Burnell children take admiration to the red plush chairs and carpet, perfected indows, and golden pieces of the house, Kezia, the youngest, is mesmerized by the simplicity of the lamp. This is exemplified when Kezia thinks to herself, â€Å"But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to say, â€Å"I live here†. The lamp was real† (Mansfield 119). Kezia’s enchantment of the lamp symbolizes her absence of adornment for materialistic items, opposed to her sisters. As the story progresses, Kezia continues to disapprove of the superficial parts of the doll’s house and cannot see why the others do not see the beauty of the lamp. This is clearly illustrated when Kezia ries out, â€Å"The lamps best of all†. She thought Isabel wasn’t making half enough of the little lamp. But nobody would pay attention† (Mansfield 121). Issues continue to occur with the others, due to Kezia’s indifferent ways. Once Kezia falls in love with the lamp, however, it is foreshadowing the events to come. Next, Kezia’s innocence leads her to make friends with the Kelvey’s, in whom from an economic standpoint, are ignored. Like the lamp, Kezia does not follow the normality of things around her in her English society. For instance, everywhere in town, They walked past the Kelvey’s with their heads in the air, and as they set the fashion in all matters of behaviour, the Kelvey’s were shunned by everybody† (Mansfield 120). Due to the class distinction of the Kelvey’s, Kezia is forbidden to speak to the Kelvey’s. However, Kezia does not follow the rest of her English society, and overlooks the appearance of the Kelvey’s and the rumors everyone says about them. It is evident that Kezia does not follow the others when she tells the Kelvey’s, â€Å"You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to† (Mansfield 122). By Kezia inviting the Kelvey girls to see he doll’s house, she visibly displays her kind-hearted simplistic character, that if she was to be an object, would be a simple lamp like the Kelvey’s. Therefore, despite everyone’s unjustified threats towards Kezia, she lets the simplicity of the lamp guide her to h ave a moral conscience in not excluding the Kelvey’s. Finally, the Kelvey’s are similar to Kezia, for they both notice the simplistic things in life and are not overly consumed by materialistic ones. Kezia senses the inner purity of the Kelvey’s and ultimately decides to invite them to see the doll’s house. Yet, hen the Kelvey’s have the chance to catch a mere glimpse of the doll’s house, they are quickly â€Å"shooed out as if they were chickens† (Mansfield 123) by Kezia’s Aunt Beryl. In spite of that, the Kelvey’s are still able to see the lamp, the most important object in the entire doll’s house. The Kelvey’s, like Kezia, see beauty in the most unembellished things in life. When Else, one of the Kelvey sister’s says, â€Å"I seen the little lamp† (Mansfield 123), the symbolism of the lamp is established. At this point, Mansfield successfully conveys the overall message of the hope against discrimination. Thus, this hope, symbolized through the lamp, is a connection that brings Kezia closer to the Kelvey’s, in realizing their similar views. In conclusion, the symbolism of the lamp, that stems from Kezia and leads to the Kelvey’s, distinctly shows the divide and constant battle between rich and poor. Materialism in our world also shows how perplex it is for many humans to surpass the ever-constant greed man has towards material items. Seeing past the obvious beauties in life is a complex obstacle to conquer in The Doll’s House, that only Kezia and the Kelvey’s are able to do. Both working together to fight this battle, therefore represent a lamp constantly searching for energy and hope to renew its light when it fades. In this case, the new light source was Kezia, who was seeking for an answer to help the Kelvey’s. Hence, the simplistic lamp represents the bonded connection that Kezia develops with the Kelvey’s, through the sightless faith of those around them, in the midst of their pure hearts. Mansfield, Katherine. The Broadview Anthology of Short Fiction: The Doll’s House. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2004. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Have Changes in the World Economy since 1945 Affected the Essay

How Have Changes in the World Economy since 1945 Affected the Strategies of Multinatioanl Firms - Essay Example The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade have not only made it equitable for all international players to be in equal footing with local businesses in a large market but it also made the complicated taxation and tariff levies more simple and standard. The agreement enabled international organizations or entities to sell products at competitive prices that are comparable to the locally produced items. Market discrimination will not be dictated by price but will be governed by the sophistications of the buyer’s taste and preference. Other changes in the last sixty years include added protection of the patents of multi-national corporations. Harmonisation of International Laws that would include the New York Conventions on Arbitrations that applies to contracts between parties of different nationalities and the Cape Town Treaty that specifically governs international assets of multinational companies. The increased presence and respect of the international business community to the International Court of Arbitration have made conducting business in the international market safer and more secure. The available mechanisms and remedy to attain justice if not an equitable settlement is now simpler and straightforward. World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization over the past decades have endeavoured to break down trade barriers that impedes the free flow of goods from one country to another or even between several countries in an emerging market. Its sole aim is to liberalize and supervise international train to ensure that every member country trade and transact equitably and fairly amongst its other members. It provides a framework in the negotiations and also provides an arbitration mechanism to disputes between countries. One of the basic tenets of the World Trade Organization is the Most Favoured Nation Clause that ensures that a country transacting or is engaged in commercial trade in a particular country is given the same treatment as that of its local industry and even its traditional trading partners. To illustrate: Products of multi-national companies dealing in China should have the same treatment as far as its regulation, governance and taxes are concerned with products manufactured within the China. This means that the shelf prices of imported goods should not be far from that of the locally produced products (Bossche, 2005). Multinational companies have capitalized on the new opportunity to expand its market to include the one provided by the other countries where their host or home country has a trade agreement with. The onus of the strategies of multinational companies therefore is to reach a wider market as possible to ensure that market presence for their products includes these new markets. Increased visibility as far as media exposure is concerned to ensure that goodwill and name recall is associated to positive information about the company and the product they manufacture. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is a multilateral agreement regulating international trade through the â€Å"substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous manner† (Barton, et al., 2008). This translates to the reduction of prices or the equality and standardization of tariff and tax rates to all products. The impact of which is the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Social Media - Essay Example The costs of advertising through social media are quite less and the effects far reaching. This is the reason that it has become the most preferred source of marketing for the companies today. Today, the marketers have to devise new marketing strategies to fulfill the need of modern media. Earlier they used to spend millions in their marketing budget so as to make sure that their product is the one that is recognized. The strategies today focus more on being customer centric. The organizations today have to keep in mind the needs of customers and say goodbye to their â€Å"I† attitude. Nowadays there is an increased awareness of social media among the public and this is the major driving force behind the change of the focus of the companies which are using it now in mainstream. The cost effectiveness and satisfaction of the customer today is more important than just selling the product. The use of general advertisement in order to attract people towards a product has now becom e outdated as many new ways have been evolved. List and analyze methods of alternative dispute resolution and determine which would be most effective in resolving genuine disputes that arise with consumers who may make purchases from businesses that provide links via social media. The marketers today can benefit from the subliminal effect to employ innovative and ideas of advertisements with an element of fun in between radio programs or the programs most watched by the public. Facebook and other similar social sites have become quite popular among the general masses and hence their use as the new marketing medium. Such a strategy may be helpful in making a customer think about buying a product more rigorously. Even, the credibility of a product is enhanced if the products are being featured in between some famous shows. The knowledge of a product will also be increased through sending out promotional offers on people’s cell phones. In this way, a large population can be targ eted at limited cost. The product can also turn out to be a frontline commodity through advertisement campaigns on Facebook, Twitter or My Space. Presently, the QUALITY is not sufficient as it was in the previous years. BUZZ is the only thing that is of importance today and can bring the product to the frontline (O'Guinn, 2005). Examine the three (3) branches of government and discuss which can effectuate the most significant impact on regulating consumer transactions via social media outlets. Support your decision. If a product has to succeed in the market the most important thing to be kept in mind for the sale of product is the marketing channel. Marketing organization is an independent organization that works in collaboration to provide benefit to the producer which could not be gained by the producer if he is working alone. To target the market directly is a critical task for the producer to achieve; moreover it increases the price of the product. Therefore, there arises a need of market intermediaries which facilitate the reduction of cost of pulling the customers towards a product. The choice of marketing channel is affected by a number of factors such as pricing, advertising and distribution channel. Efficiency can be achieved through use of effective marketing channels. They enable the appearance of the products as â€Å"tailor made† for the consumers and the new product takes a customer oriented outlook. The strategy

Australia in the Asia Pacific Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Australia in the Asia Pacific - Essay Example This, along with democratic institutions, cultural diversity and a record of constructive international engagement, underpins Australian participation in world affairs. Key components of Australia's security strategy include a strong national defense capability; the alliance relationship with the United States; bilateral defense and security relationships with Asia Pacific countries; and multilateral security links, especially through the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum. Australia is closely engaged in international counter-terrorism efforts both regionally and around the world." According to the World Bank, the East Asia Pacific region consists of more than 20 countries and the region is home to more than 2 billion of the earth's people. The countries included in this region are; Cambodia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Korea, the People's Democratic Republic of Lao (Lao PDR), Malaysia, Marshall Islands, FS Micronesia, Mongolia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. ( One of the main reasons why Australia needs to focus on the South Asian Pacific region is that it is a lucrative potential market for our country. "Close engagement with Asia is an imperative for Australia, and bilateral political, security and people-to-people links between Australia and many Asian countries are strong and sophisticated. Extensive two-way trade and investment and the development of comprehensive bilateral free trade agreements characterize economic relations with a number of countries in Asia. Japan and China are Australia's largest and third-largest export destinations respectively." ( As with all the rest of the world; Australia likes to maintain close-knit relations with Pacific Asia. The following map helps to determine the layout of the South Asian region on the world map.Source: Source: In the 2006 opening address to the Energy Security in Asia Pacific Policy Forum, Australian Treasurer, the Honorable Peter Costello MP stated the following statistics, "Australia has 8 per cent of the world's total reserves of coal. It has been the world's largest exporter of coal since 1986. In 2004, Australia accounted for 55 per cent of total world exports of metallurgical coal and 20 per cent of total world exports of thermal coal. It has 2 per cent of the world's natural gas reserves. Since 1989, it has emerged as one of the world's largest exporters of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). Australian firms have become known as noteworthy long-term suppliers of LNG to China. Australia's Northwest Shelf endeavor has been chosen by China to be the sole provider of LNG. The agreement will worth between $A20 and $A25 billion in export revenue for Australia. This is Australia's largest solitary export deal. Australia has 40 per cent of the world's proven reserves of uranium and is the world's second largest uranium

Advertising Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Advertising Management - Essay Example A SWOT analysis shows an impressive record of performance of the Octopus card in Hong Kong and the present proposal is to only change the brand name into Shenzhen Octopus and duplicate the advertising strategies adopted originally for the Octopus Hong Kong card though more advertising principles still justify the same strategies. Lessons learned in the past have also been duly taken into account in formulating the strategies for the proposed launch. The strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats for the new proposal. Shenzhen is in China bordering Hongkong and Hongkong has all the logistic advantage in doing business in Shenzhen more than in any other part of China. China sequel to embracing consumer economy is estimated to have a credit market which would surpass the U.S. market in its size by 2020 due to urbanization and creation of wealth. The number of cards issued by the Chinese Banks numbering 200 million at present is expected to touch 800 million by 2020. But the fact remains Chinese still prefer cash or debit cards rather than spend on credit (Madden, 2010). In view of above information, Octopus card is not new to Shenzhen though it is not as popular as it is in it its parent location Hongkong or for that matter, Oyster cards in London or others elsewhere. Chinese consumers are conservative in their outlook unlike Hong-kongers who share British culture. Since Octopus card is popular in Hong Kong, the company just has to duplicate its existing advertising strategies. Now SWOT analysis of Octopus card’s market itself will be useful for duplicating in Shenzhen where it has been already in use though it has now been proposed to change the brand as Shenzhen Octopus for which an awareness campaign is necessary. As seen above, 9 million cards are in use through which 7 million transactions are done daily which would amount to US 2.2 billion (HK $ 17.2 million) per year in Hong Kong

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Reflection - Essay Example Even the leadership traits that I considered to prevent the achievement of organizational goals educated me on better leadership approaches. Therefore, this paper gives a reflection of my growth in leadership, aiming to be a school principal, based on transformational leadership theory. Transformational leadership has been associated with desirable organizational performance irrespective of the context. According to Boerner, Eisenbeiss, and Griesser (2007), this style of leadership causes positive results by promoting leader-follower relationship. This reflects my approach to leadership. It is an approach that I used when managing my father’s company to cause the company to post positive results. I associated with the employees and got to understand them better. This informed my decisions that proved to be effective. Being social, transformational leadership best fits within my personality traits as it promotes relationships. Considering my prospect of being a principal in a s chool, I work towards ensuring that I develop a relationship with my students. This will enable me understand them better and therefore make informed decisions on leading them. Hence, transformational leadership promotes the leadership traits that I exhibit hence my choice of basing this paper on the theory. One of the strategies in transformational leadership is to inspire followers to attain extraordinary results. According to Boerner et al. (2007), this entails the alignment of goals and objectives of followers to that of the organization and provision of the necessary support, coaching and mentoring to achieve the desired goals. This was the approach I used to cause positive outcomes when tasked to manage my father’s company. As my chosen style of leadership, I led the workers from the front. I did what was expected and thus set a standard for them to follow. I motivated them into achieving the set objectives. This led to a reduction in time wastage at work, misunderstand ing among employees and negligence of duties. This would be the same approach that would be applied when I become the principal. My greatest role as a principal would be to promote positive relationships among parents, teachers and students so as to positively impact on students’ performance. To achieve this, I would be needed to make it clear to each of these parties what their roles would be. I would ensure that they understand the reason for giving them the respective responsibilities is to see the school perform well. As a way of motivating them to work towards this goal, best performers would be rewarded. This follows the inspirational motivation argument in transformational leadership which according to Boerner et al. (2007) calls for leaders to motivate their followers and encourage them to share in the future vision. This arouses both the individual and team spirit. The second strategy that I would use would entail individualized consideration. Leading a mixed group s uch as a school entails leading many people from different backgrounds. First, the students vary in ages, gender, behavior and even racial background among other distinctions. The same applies to parents, teachers and support employees. Thus, each of these persons would have distinct needs that require individualized attention. In one of my refection papers, I gave the example of Toyota, a vehicle manufacturing company, whose success could be linked to this argument. Toyota manufactures cars that meet the

Downtown Denver Water Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Downtown Denver Water - Research Paper Example This is because in the recent past, there have been reports of health hazards on the same. A scenario in the year 2012 saw more than 100,000 people drink contaminated water which raised concerns in the public domain. A high percentage of these cases were reported in the demography that included small locations and districts ( In the year that was 2008, there was a virus related i.e. salmonella epidemic which affected a very large group of people. Its victims suffered from chronic diarrhea and vomiting. Out of a sample of 400 infected people studied, one succumbed. This saw it being reported as the worst case of water epidemic reported since the early 2000s. The cause of the epidemic was reportedly from depleted infrastructure with instances where some pipes had not even been inspected or replaced for a prolonged duration unlike what is expected. Cracked water storage tanks and unattended inspection requirements with a case that a storage tank had not been inspected fo r more than ten years prior to the outbreak of the epidemic ( Other causes involved cases where the drinking water tower had loose sealing that saw contaminants having direct contact with the water. There were instances where squirrels and bird droppings were found in storage tanks due to lack of proper lids and sealing on the same. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take the caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take the caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take t he caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. In the year ending 2012, the administration administered more than 60 orders to push for people to boil water which has seen the number of water related hazards reports go down. The other contributor to this ill as was established was that there was poor planning in terms of the water supply system and the sewer system. During the establishment of the town, some settlement that was not meant for human habitat was occupied. A good example was a golf course that was turned into a residential area. Due to the mere fact that the water supply of the same was meant for golf course irrigation, the new demand overwhelmed it. This has seen failure of the infrastructure with reports of worn out pipes characterized with corrosion effects as a result of non-maintenance and the huge strain on the facility ( As a measure to restore the glory days of the area, the concerned administration has established me asures and policies to redeem the state. In the recent years there have been a lot of investment in the water infrastructure where for instances more than a billion dollar has been used since the year 2005 in improving the water systems.(U.S Environmental protection Agency) the target of the said investments in the water system is to see more that 90 percent of the Denver residents access safer drinking water as required by the EPA. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Advertising Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Advertising Management - Essay Example A SWOT analysis shows an impressive record of performance of the Octopus card in Hong Kong and the present proposal is to only change the brand name into Shenzhen Octopus and duplicate the advertising strategies adopted originally for the Octopus Hong Kong card though more advertising principles still justify the same strategies. Lessons learned in the past have also been duly taken into account in formulating the strategies for the proposed launch. The strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats for the new proposal. Shenzhen is in China bordering Hongkong and Hongkong has all the logistic advantage in doing business in Shenzhen more than in any other part of China. China sequel to embracing consumer economy is estimated to have a credit market which would surpass the U.S. market in its size by 2020 due to urbanization and creation of wealth. The number of cards issued by the Chinese Banks numbering 200 million at present is expected to touch 800 million by 2020. But the fact remains Chinese still prefer cash or debit cards rather than spend on credit (Madden, 2010). In view of above information, Octopus card is not new to Shenzhen though it is not as popular as it is in it its parent location Hongkong or for that matter, Oyster cards in London or others elsewhere. Chinese consumers are conservative in their outlook unlike Hong-kongers who share British culture. Since Octopus card is popular in Hong Kong, the company just has to duplicate its existing advertising strategies. Now SWOT analysis of Octopus card’s market itself will be useful for duplicating in Shenzhen where it has been already in use though it has now been proposed to change the brand as Shenzhen Octopus for which an awareness campaign is necessary. As seen above, 9 million cards are in use through which 7 million transactions are done daily which would amount to US 2.2 billion (HK $ 17.2 million) per year in Hong Kong

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Downtown Denver Water Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Downtown Denver Water - Research Paper Example This is because in the recent past, there have been reports of health hazards on the same. A scenario in the year 2012 saw more than 100,000 people drink contaminated water which raised concerns in the public domain. A high percentage of these cases were reported in the demography that included small locations and districts ( In the year that was 2008, there was a virus related i.e. salmonella epidemic which affected a very large group of people. Its victims suffered from chronic diarrhea and vomiting. Out of a sample of 400 infected people studied, one succumbed. This saw it being reported as the worst case of water epidemic reported since the early 2000s. The cause of the epidemic was reportedly from depleted infrastructure with instances where some pipes had not even been inspected or replaced for a prolonged duration unlike what is expected. Cracked water storage tanks and unattended inspection requirements with a case that a storage tank had not been inspected fo r more than ten years prior to the outbreak of the epidemic ( Other causes involved cases where the drinking water tower had loose sealing that saw contaminants having direct contact with the water. There were instances where squirrels and bird droppings were found in storage tanks due to lack of proper lids and sealing on the same. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take the caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take the caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. This made the concerned agency bring out policies that required use of bottled water by residents and drinking of boiled water in as much as some people did not take t he caution seriously, it was a shot the administration was willing to take. In the year ending 2012, the administration administered more than 60 orders to push for people to boil water which has seen the number of water related hazards reports go down. The other contributor to this ill as was established was that there was poor planning in terms of the water supply system and the sewer system. During the establishment of the town, some settlement that was not meant for human habitat was occupied. A good example was a golf course that was turned into a residential area. Due to the mere fact that the water supply of the same was meant for golf course irrigation, the new demand overwhelmed it. This has seen failure of the infrastructure with reports of worn out pipes characterized with corrosion effects as a result of non-maintenance and the huge strain on the facility ( As a measure to restore the glory days of the area, the concerned administration has established me asures and policies to redeem the state. In the recent years there have been a lot of investment in the water infrastructure where for instances more than a billion dollar has been used since the year 2005 in improving the water systems.(U.S Environmental protection Agency) the target of the said investments in the water system is to see more that 90 percent of the Denver residents access safer drinking water as required by the EPA. The

Meaning of Life and Dad Essay Example for Free

Meaning of Life and Dad Essay The most influential person in my life is my dad. The reason why my dad is the most influential person to me is because he is my dad. My dad has been their for me since day 1. He always had my back through everything no matter how much fights we get into he will always be hear for me. My dad always wants to see me succeed in life he doesn’t want to see me fail. He inspires me in so many different way of what he does. A couple of examples of how my dad inspires me is he always helps me through everything he never let me down. He always told me to stand high and never give up on my dreams he was the one who pushed me to succeed to the person who I am now my dad has always been their for me and he will always have my back. He is my hero! My dad is such a hard working man he always told me to get a good job in this economy because you cant go no where in life without a good gob or a good degree in something. Growing up, my father taught me many valuable lessons, specifically to be kind to everyone and to never give up. These simple but important lessons have shaped my life in its entirety. My dad is the kindest man that I have ever met. He never talks bad about others always helps other people, and always tries to do the right thing no matter what the cost to himself. He is kind, thoughtful generous and honest. I attribute much of who I am as a person to my dad and I thank him for his dedication to our family . My dad gave me the confidence to go out and explore the world around me. From these opportunities, I have acquired skills, gained leadership experience and know that I can do anything if I persevere. I know what it means to be accountable for the decision I make and people entrusted to my care. I have stood up to those who were discriminating and demonstrated that respect for each other is important. I have learned in order to achieve a goal one must make a plan, get others on board, secure necessary resources and then go out and DO IT!!! I learned to not listen to the people who say it is impossible, and to get the complainers involved. I have had unique opportunities to train, lead and mentor. I have seen tragedies and poverty and have learned to appreciate what I have: my family friends university and country. None of these life lessons would have be possible without the support and guidance of my father. My dad always told me to follow my dreams and never let go ever since than I am following my dreams thanks to my dad! He is the most influential person to me in my life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Was Nelson Mandela A Great Leader History Essay

Was Nelson Mandela A Great Leader History Essay INTRODUCTION The leader is a man who comes closest to realizing the norms the group values the highest; this conformity gives him his high rank, which attracts people and implies the right to assume control of the group. (Homans, 1950). The underlying need-structure of the individual which motivates his behavior in various leadership situations. Leadership style thus refers to the consistency of goals or needs over different situations. (Fiedler, 1967). One of the great leaders who had the above qualities fulfilled in him was Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, former president of South Africa and world acclaimed international statesman. The following would be a detailed analysis of his leadership traits, behavior and the situations in which he had proved himself a good leader. ABOUT NELSON MANDELA Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela commonly known as Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 in Umtata, Transkei, South Africa; son of Henry Mandela (a Tembu tribal chief). He married Evelyn Ntoko Mase (a nurse), 1944, divorced, 1956; married Nomzamo Winnie Madikileza (a social worker and political activist), June 14, 1958, divorced; married Graca Machel (lawyer), 1998; children: (first marriage) Thembi (a son; deceased), Makgatho (son), Makaziwe (daughter); (second marriage) Zenani (daughter), Zindziswa (daughter). He took up a correspondence course with the University of South Africa (now UNISA) to complete his first degree. He was awarded his Bachelors degree in 1941, and in 1942 he was articled to another firm of attorneys and started upon a law degree at the University of Witwatersrand. By 1948 Nelson Mandela had failed to pass the exams required for his LLB law degree, and he decided instead to settle for the qualifying exam which would allow him to practice as an attorney. LIFE AS A PRISONER During the 1940s and 1950s he rose rapidly through the ANC hierarchy but was frequently subject to police harassment, detention, and banning. When the ANC was outlawed in 1960 he went underground and organized its military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation). In 1962 he was Sentenced to five years imprisonment for inciting Africans to strike and for leaving South Africa without a valid travel document. In 1964, whilst still in detention, he was charged with treason and, after giving a memorable four-and-a-half hour speech criticizing apartheid, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Living in a prison had the same meaning as living in the worst place in South Africa: Robben Island. ANC prisoners earned D classifications, which was prisoners who were the most dangerous and had the least rights. They were kept in cells with hay carpets and thin blankets as beds and iron buckets for toilets. The daily menu was always the same; small portion of corn soup with extra vegetable or meat chop for dinner. The men were wearing thin shirts from khaki and shorts, even during the winter, and were restricted from reading newspapers or magazines-they were not allowed to read any news at all. The prisoners spent most of their time in a chalk mine, where they worked very hard As one of the leaders of the group, Nelson received more harsh treatment than the others. He was kept 23 hours in his cell every day, shined only by a lamp. This made him unable to sleep or know what the time was. He was only allowed to have one visitor every six months and once he was not allowed to see his wife for two years, Winnie. He could only write and receive one letter every six months. The letter he received was screened by the guard, who would cut the parts that were considered to be unsafe, effectively erasing those parts even though there were writings behind those parts. In total Mandela spent twenty-seven consecutive years in detention. From 1964 to 1982 he was held on Robben Island, from 1982 to 1988 in Pollsmoor Prison, Cape Town, and from 1988 to 1990 in Victor Verster Prison, Paarl. From 1985 on he rejected several offers of conditional release which would have imposed severe limits on his political activities. In many ways his imprisonment increased his, already considerable, political status and resulted in a worldwide campaign for his release. During the 27 years that Mandela spent in prison, hidden from the eyes of the world while he quarried limestone and harvested seaweed, his example of quiet suffering was just one of numerous pressures on the apartheid government. Public discussion of Mandela was illegal, and he was allowed few visitors. But as the years dragged on, he assumed the mantle of a martyr. In 1982 Mandela was moved to the Maximum security Pollsmoor Prison outside Cape Town. This move apparently stemmed from fears by the South African authorities that Mandela was exerting too great an influence on the other prisons at Robben Island. Mandela spent much of the next six years in solitary confinement, during which he was allowed a weekly 30-minute visit by his wife, Winnie. He was offered a conditional freedom in 1984 on the condition that he settle in the officially designated black homeland of Transkei, an offer Mandela refused with an affirmation of his allegiance to the African National Congress. In 1988, Mandela was hospitalized with tuberculosis, and after his recovery he was returned to prison under somewhat less stringent circumstances. In February 1990 he was unconditionally released to scenes of joyous celebration at home and abroad. LIFE AS A POLITICIAN Another revisionist interpretive approach is to understand Mandelas greatness as a collectively manufactured achievement the deliberate assembly of a messianic personality originating in a movements awareness Of its own organizational shortcomings and willingness to compensate for them by directing its ideas through a charismatic individual. This is indeed part of Mandelas story, for the ANC certainly began to intentionally contrive a public legend around Mandelas  leadership  well before he went to prison during the 1952 defiance campaign, when collective decisions and activities were attributed to his personal genius. The appearance in South Africa at this time of popular photo-journalism aimed at black readers made this easier, and Mandela himself took pains to ensure that the media images matched the messages he and his comrades wished to project. Mandelas earliest political experience came while enrolled at the University College of Fort Hare, where he was working to obtain a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. While at the college, he was elected to a student political organization known as the Students Representative Council. Soon after, Mandela was expelled for participating in a protest on campus (ANC archive). Because of this, Mandela attended Johannesburg where he finally obtained his BA. Soon after, he joined the  African National Congress  in 1942, during the height of  World War II. Nelson Mandelas personal fixation with freedom brought him to work with many other members of the African National Congress to form a group under the leadership of a colleague, Anton Lembede (ANC archive). The groups main focus was to change the African National Congress into a mass movement, including all people from urban communities to those in the country. Mandela was instrumental in many political endeavors, many of which were anti-apartheid movements such as the Program of Action, a policy based initiative which was founded on the principle of using the non-violent weapons of boycott, strike, civil disobedience and non-co-operation (ANC archive). This eventually became the modus operandi of the African National Congress. And yet, some of our greatest leaders and role models have to resort to evil in order to do well. Mandela, being no exception to this, was the leader of an armed resistance group known as Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), formed in 1962. Mandela explains his reasoning: At the beginning of June 1961, after long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I and some colleagues came to the conclusion that as long violence in this country was inevitable; it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence at a time when the government met our peaceful demands with force. -Nelson Mandela. He was eventually elected President of the African National Congress in 1991. Later, in 1994, he was democratically elected President of the State of  South Africa. QUOTABLE QUOTS OF NELSON MANDELA Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.   A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.   Only free men can negotiate. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts.   Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom, because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements.   SELECTED WRITINGS OF NELSON MANDELA No Easy Walk to Freedom, Basic Books, 1965. The Struggle Is My Life, Pathfinder Press, 1986. Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, Little, 1994. AWARDS GIVEN TO NELSON Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding from the government of India, 1980; Bruno Kreisky Prize for Human Rights from the government of Austria, 1981; named an honorary citizen of Rome, 1983; Simon Bolivar International Prize from UNESCO, 1983; W. E. B. DuBois Medal, 1986; Nobel Peace Prize, 1987; Liberty Medal, 1987; Sakharov Prize, 1988; Gaddaff Human Rights Prize, 1989; Houphouet Prize, 1991; Nobel Peace Prize, 1993; numerous international honorary degrees, including honorary doctorate degree, Open University, Cape Town, 2004; honorary degree, Amherst College, New York, 2005. CLOSING THOUGHTS True, Mandela had important collaborators that helped him to become a hero and he was the beneficiary of social context and historical circumstances. But no reassessments are likely to detract from Mandelas  achievements  as a political performer whether following his own strategic intuitions or acting out a collectively contrived script. Mandelas understanding of politics as performance is well documented it is obvious and explicit in his courting of the media as early as the 1950s, and his fascination from that time with costumes and disguises. But Mandelas iconic status is not just the consequence of his theatrical capacity to motivate and inspire. His authority is also the product of the occasions when he has acted against the grain, when he has asserted his own individual will. Such actions have continued since his supposed retirement. Nelson R. Mandela, in the wake of political turmoil, was one man who was both willing and able to stand up and fight back. Indeed, we can see how the man developed his legacy through his activist years, his years in prison, and his much more elaborate life afterwards. Despite Mandelas history of supporting terrorism (was on the offical US Terrorist Watch List), the South African Broadcasting Corporation poll for the Greatest South Africans, had Mandela ranked number one greatest South African of all time. Conclusion Nelson Mandela has never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he has never answered racism with racism. His life has been an inspiration, in South Africa and throughout the world, to all who are oppressed and deprived, to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation. Mandela personifies struggle and today he is still leading the fight against apartheid with extraordinary resilience and vigor after spending nearly 3 decades of his life behind bars. He has sacrificed his private life and his youth for his people, and remains South Africas best known and loved hero. Nelson Mandela reinforces the fact that leaders have very different qualities and that leadership success is more complex than just identifying few traits or preferable behaviors. He is endowed with many personality traits that make him a natural leader, and over the course of his lifetime, he has also developed many leadership skills and strategies Mandelas leadership success can be attributed to his use of consensus. Consensus is considered to be the superior decision making process to build commitment and motivation in group members towards group objectives. Using consensus aids in making the best possible decision and utilizes the resources of everyone involved. In conclusion, Nelson Mandela is viewed as a revolutionary leader for his ability to empower and motivate others using his strong regard for consensus and the democratic process.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

African Americans role of Television Essay -- essays papers

African Americans role of Television The roles African Americans play on television are not satisfactory. Though the roles have changed during the development of television, the current relationship is not representative of true African American people or their lifestyles. The question is how do the past roles African Americans play in television sitcoms compare to the current roles? How does this affect society’s perception of the African American in American culture? Throughout the history of television the roles and the representation of African Americans has developed with the changing cultural conditions. However, the representation of African American’s has not fully simulated into today’s society. What the average citizen views on his or her television does not accurately portray the African American’s influence on America. The early days of television held great optimism and hope for this new form of media as an avenue for African Americans to assimilate into white American culture. However, a pattern became evident, a pattern of type casting African Americans in roles which did not accurately and wholly portray the individual. A misrepresentation of African Americans became the common image on television. Variety shows initially promoted the new media as an opportunity for equal representation and communication between the races. However, a trend developed with African Americans often being â€Å"portrayed as custodians, maids, servants, clowns, or buffoons† (Crenshaw). The negative image, which was developed by these stereotypes, was perpetuated in the Amos and Andy Show. This television show began as a radio show featuring two white men portraying two comedic black men. When the show was transferred to television, two African American men were cast in the roles, acting as buffoons. The popularity of the show was overwhelming. This was the initial image of African Americans in television, which reached mainstreams Caucasian America and was the foundation for which future stereotypes were created. A new image of African American families was presented in the eighty’s with the Cosby Show. The Huxtable’s were a successful African American family with a life similar to the accepted and established Caucasian mainstream. This show was not accepted fully because it failed to represent the full cultural scope of African Americans. The current... ...After giving the presentation there were many different views coming from the audience which were not expected. The audience did not hold the same views presented to them. The point addressed was about how Will Smith was the buffoon on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. They did not feel Will Smith was acting buffoonish, they thought he just brought comedy to the show. The audience seemed to focus on black people acting white rather than black people acting ignorant. They brought up the character Carlton, and how he acted white. When asked the question how they knew he was acting white they said he went to an all white school and was influenced by the way they acted. The audience also said Will criticized Carlton for acting white. They excused Will's buffoonish actions by saying white people were also made fun of through Carlton's character. This brings up the question how do we know what is characterized as acting "black" or acting "white", and what makes a show a "black" show or a " white" show. Again these questions revert back to the fact television shows have embedded stereotypes in our society. This makes people believe there must be a typical "black" person and "white" person.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wedding Speech Delivered by the Bride :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Cory and I feel privileged to be sharing our day with all of our fiends and families who have been important to us during our lives. Many of you traveled from afar, Canada, Seattle, Illinois, Colorado and Arizona. Thanks to all of you for the efforts and sacrifices you have made to be with us today. I want to thank the most wonderful parents a child could ever have. Not only for the love, support and guidance over the years, but also for everything you’ve done towards today. Your massive contribution has been priceless and without you both we would have never managed and today would not have been possible or so special. Thank you Mom and Dad from the bottom of our hearts. And thank you Virginia for having such a wonderful son. I would also like to say thank you to my beautiful bridesmaids. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done and for being the greatest friends ever. Suzy, my maid of honor, you have been a lifesaver. You truly are the definition of a best friend and sister. Thank you for dealing with all my indecisiveness and always being her for me. I want to thank Cory for making my life complete.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Organizational Structure Essay

Organizational structure is very important to any company, it guarantees longevity and efficiency. Apple Inc. was incorporated in California on January 3, 1977 (Apple, 2013) and first came on the scene with the release of Apple I. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were the creators of this cutting edge technology and both men were seemingly college dropouts (No Stop Technology – The Apple Fan Site, n. d). The company is a publically traded company listed on the NASDAQ and in 2013 they are number 6 on the list for Fortune 500 companies. Apple Inc. s mission statement is â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices. † (About. com, n. d. ). Their mission statement implies that they have a flexible structure that allows for unlimited growth within the technology industry. Structure Apple Inc. ’s organizational structure has enabled the company to keep a barrier free structure and remain competitive. Apple realizes that their expertise is in the innovation of new technology and in order to gain access to many industries they partner with other organizations with different specialties. An example of this is Apple and Nike. Apple took the initiative to create a product for Nike to put into their shoes which allows the consumers to calculate their running distance, keep track of the steps they take, and overall work out progress (Apple, 2013). This is helping them become very diverse and has a constant interest and loyalty among consumers. Other companies like Hewitt-Packard have the same organizational structure as Apple Inc. , by wanting to give the best products to their consumers. In Hewlett-Packards press release in October, 2011, â€Å"Launched in the United States in April 2000, the HP Digital Village program aims to bring the tools for learning and competing in the digital economy to communities that need them most† (Hewlett-Packard, 2011). Being prepared for today’s digital marketplace has given HP an advantage over other corporations that are not prepared to take on the more digital and global economic environment. Another company that has similar structure to Apple is Samsung. They state â€Å"At Samsung Group and Samsung Electronics, we uphold a belief in shared responsibility – to our people, our planet and our society. Across the company, we hold ourselves to the highest standards so that we can more effectively contribute to a better world† (Samsung, 2013). They are also dedicated to developing innovative technologies and being efficient, which allows them to be a digital leader as well. Functions Organizational functions have a role in the development of the company as well as the growth. The different departments that are within Apple Inc. carry a heavy weight of responsibility to ensure that they are consistently driving the company forward. Whether speaking in terms of the retail department, the marketing department, or the human resources department, all have to strive and work to accomplish the goals of gaining profit for the company. Being a leader in new technology has given the company the upper hand on allowing them to have the products free, to use within the business before they are produced at the mass level for consumers. Each product that is produced from Apple has its own team that inspects and maintains the product, which allows Apple to hold accountability for each department and does not allow too many individuals to be involved in the process. This is an example of how divisional structure is involved in an open barrier organizational style. Apple also makes a point to focus on staff engagement level, by having their employees be actively engaged and connected to their work. Employees are given the opportunities to advance in their field and the opportunity to continue to learn new skills within the company. The human resource department is in charge of hiring new employees as well as maintaining the structure of the entire company which is vital to the profitability and the internal organization of the Company. Design Geographical location of the company has been a strong suit for Apple. Apple has over 300 retail stores located all over the world and is continuing to grow based on consumer demand. Apple, Inc. ’s main headquarters are in Cupertino, California, but they also have headquarters in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. By having various headquarters throughout the world, Apple is able to oversee the quality of their products and productivity of retail stores. The number of Apple jobs based in the U. S. has more than quadrupled over the past decade, from less than 10,000 employees in 2002 to more than 50,250 today. They offer their part-time employees the same benefits as full-time employees, including health insurance and the employee stock purchase plan (Apple, 2013). The organizational design of Apple Inc. has been quite challenging to obtain because Apple has very high security when it comes to the internal structure of their company. Apple has to maintain the integrity of their business plan because other organizations would take their ideas and structure and use it to their gain. Apple does everything to prevent this from happening because the technological field is a very competitive market and they do not want to give competitors any insight, which would then result in decreased profits for Apple. Apple’s current CEO is Tim Cook who is in charge of the company’s worldwide sales and operations. Mr. Cook has not always been the CEO of Apple. He was previously employed with Compaq and was the Vice President of Corporate Materials, where he was responsible for procuring and managing Apple’s inventory. This prior experience has given him the knowledge necessary to run such a successful company and the ability to encourage and oversee innovation within the company. Conclusion Apple is a successful company in the innovation of new technology. Apple has the leading edge with technology and has loyal consumers all over the world. It is a company that is primarily known for its products such as the iPhone, iPod, iPad and the MacBook. The company also offers consumers the ability to have Apple create software and hardware specific for a Corporation’s needs. The organizational structure of this organization has allowed for the innovation of products that have changed the world. With these continued business practices, Apple has created an environment with unlimited growth potential and amazing customer loyalty. By being so flexible and diverse in so many different ways, this has allowed Apple to become so successful in such a short time and they will continue to grow into the future. This ability to be a leader in such a competitive market has paved the way for Apple to reap continued profits for many years to come.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Philippine Constitution

The second chapter dealt on the entirety of the state which is considered to be a very important concept in the field of political science as it is branded as the basic unit of the international community and the ultimate expression of political activity among men. The third chapter was aimed at discovering the historical roots and progression of Philippine government in order to understand the complexities and changes within the bounds of local governance. This chapter will be dedicated to the discussion of the fundamentals of the so called â€Å"fundamental law of the land† which is the guiding light of the affairs of both state and government.In addition, this will e an opening salvo to the critical study of the document as we enter the portals leading to the first two fragments of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?the Preamble and the National Territory. CONCEPT OF CONSTITUTION Creating an Equilibrium Before we delve deeper into the concept of the organic law, let us first turn our attentions to the specific field of political law that is germane to the study of the constitution itself?constitutional Law.Constitutional Law is the study of the maintenance of the proper balance between authority as represented by the three Inherent powers of the State and liberty as guaranteed by the Bill of Relights. L Genuine liberty entails exercising It without causing any harm or Interception on the freedom of others. This Is the Ideal arrangement since by practice, people unavoidably uses liberty beyond normal control.Hence, the state has been endowed from Its birth with the three Inherent powers namely police power, eminent domain, and taxation in order to regulate the usage of individual rights. But this does not mean that the state always has the authority to intrude on an individual's freedom because in the context of Constitutional Law, what is being advanced is not primacy of one of the two factions but the promotion of the â€Å"co-existence† Constit ution Defined Cooley describes it as the â€Å"body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are habitually exercised. 2 It also refers to â€Å"a written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited, defined, and by which these powers are distributed among several departments, for their more safe and useful exercise, for the benefit of the body politic. â€Å"3 The first definition is much more extensive compared to the second one nice it covers even the unwritten constitutions like customs and traditions.Furthermore, Cooley's definition relates on the founding principles reflecting the aspirations of the sovereign while Miller's include in its scope the structuring of the government wherein the several powers are distributed for the promotion of the common good. In layman's terms, it is simply defined as the organic or supreme law of the state. Constitution vs.. Statute Constitution and statute are two terms belonging to the same world of legalities but differ in their scope and intrinsic meaning.The disparity is demonstrated in the allowing instances: 1 . The former elaborates on general items such as policies and principles while the latter deals on more specific topics. Statutes always follow the basic rule of legislation known as â€Å"singularity of subject. † 2. In addition, in the context of being â€Å"open to change,† the constitution (for the cases of the written, enacted and rigid) cannot be easily amended while statute is more open to change and can even be repealed easily with regards to its constitutionality. 3.The constitution is the product of the people's integral sovereign power in society while statute is a result of he process of legislation or law-making as practiced by the legislature. 4. Lastly, in most cases, there is only one constitution in operation but there can be several statutes that would be enforced within the bounds of the state. Discerni ng the Purpose The purpose of the constitution is â€Å"to prescribe the permanent framework of a system of government, to assign to the several departments their respective powers and duties, and to establish certain first principles on which the government is founded. 4 Dissecting this statement originating from American Jurisprudence, three government administering the state; 2. Next is the apportionment of the different governmental powers to the branch or department that must exercise it so as to avoid concentration of powers; and 3. Finally, to provide for the guiding principles which aid the daily affairs of the entire governmental order. Supremacy without a Doubt The constitution is the supreme law of the land.Neither legislation nor even the highest government official exercising immense powers inside the state can question the ultimate position occupied by the organic law in the hierarchy of the political system. The legislature can make laws but such laws are limited bec ause they must inform to the tenets and principles anchored on the constitution. In fact, the judiciary checks both legislative and executive departments by interpreting their actions as â€Å"constitutional† or â€Å"unconstitutional. † The people, its creator, in the exercise of sovereign power may not disregard the constitutions as well.But it must be remembered that they can institute changes if ever it is proven that the constitution does not serve or address the needs of the current situation. The supremacy scenario can also be observed in the landscape of the international community due to the fact that in cases of conflict between international law and municipal (local) law, the latter usually prevails based on the principle of par in paper non habit emporium. But there are exceptional cases wherein constitutional inferiority is demonstrated in upholding the general interests of the people. Variety Exists Constitutions around the globe are not exempted to the p henomenon dubbed as â€Å"variety. † Gradations exist and these are categorized into three major segments: 1 . There are two kinds of constitution according to form namely written and unwritten. The differentiation does not rest on the aspect of being â€Å"written† or not because mom examples of the unwritten constitution are in fact written documents. The major distinction is based on the â€Å"organization† of the scattered pieces into one, single collection.The written constitution is usually the organized one while the unwritten â€Å"consists of rules which have not been integrated into a single, concrete from but are scattered in various sources. â€Å"7 The 1987 Philippine Constitution is a written one while the English Constitution is an unwritten type. 2. The next one is constitution according to origin which also has two types: enacted (conventional) and evolved (cumulative). Enacted is a result of a thorough document construction normally done thro ugh a constitutional convention and is normally instituted at a definite time and place.On the other hand, evolved is a product of continuous process of accretion or adding up as it operates from one generation to another. The present Philippine Constitution is enacted while customs and traditions would be the best example for an evolved constitution. 3. According to manner of amendment is the last category that comprises both flexible and rigid constitutions. Flexible constitutions are characterized by flexibility which implies that it can be changed by he sense that it can only be amended by a specific body and the procedure itself is quite complex and difficult.The 1987 Philippine Constitution is rigid while the constitution of the Scandinavian state of Sweden is considered as flexible. Written Constitution: Essential Qualities Since the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines is a written one, it is more sensible to tackle the essential qualities of a constitution i n the lexicon of the written type. 1 . Broadness refers the extensiveness of the constitution in terms of its scope and reach. Furthermore, broadness relates to the fact that the constitution â€Å"is opposed to embody the past, reflect the present and to anticipate the future. Accordingly, it must have the capability to provide answers or solutions for every contingency. 2. Brevity implies that a good written constitution must stick to the basics. It is limited in the sense that it should not be a venue for staging the details which must be addressed and expressed by reinforcing legislation. Thus, the nature of the document is to prevent the situation wherein it becomes too â€Å"chatty' or wordy. 3. A written constitution must also be definite. This quality relates to the condition hat its provisions must be construed in a clear manner to avoid vagueness in the interpretation.Such ambiguity may lead to â€Å"confusion and divisiveness among the people, and perhaps even physical conflict. â€Å"8 Written Constitution: Essential Parts Almost all texts dealing on the topics of constitution, law and Political Science are in agreement that there are three essential parts of a good written constitution. These are the following: 1 . The constitution of liberty which is symbolized by the presence of a Bill of Rights, elaborates the citizens' civil and political rights as well as the imitation imposed on the side of the government in the regulation of the same.It is found in Article Ill (Bill of Rights) of our constitution. 2. Reflected in Article VI (Legislative), VII (Executive), VIII Adjudicatory), and IX (Local Government) is the second essential part known as the constitution of government whose main feature is the outlining of the governmental structure and the respective powers that they must utilize in the conduct of administration. 3. The provisions relating to the procedures on how to institute changes in the constitution is referred to as the constitut ion of sovereignty. Article XVII (Amendments or Revisions) is an exemplary of this part.Beginnings of the 1987 Philippine Constitution September 21, 1972 is the dreaded day of the proclamation of Martial Law courtesy of one of the most infamous head of state in the Philippines?Ferdinand Adrenalin Marco's. Such declaration was fueled by the various political upheavals in the Philippine political scene at that time including insurgency movements of militant groups and the fear of a communist seizure of the duly constituted government. The Martial Law lasted for about 8 years and was only lifted in 1981. The growing year 1983; Seen. Benign â€Å"Ninny' Aquinas, Jar. Turned from his exile in the United States and was assassinated at the Manila International Airport. Three years after such heart-breaking murder, Marco's called for a special snap election which was centered between him and the widow of Ninny?Carbon â€Å"Core' Aquinas. Massive cheating and electoral fraud characterized the election process in which the final tally of votes expressed the victory of the administration. Yet, even though triumph was at hand, the snap election was one of the major reasons that catapulted the People Power Revolution of 1986.The withdrawal of the military support for the overspent through the acts of high military officials Fidel V. Ramose and Juan Pence Enrich led to the downfall of the Marco's Administration. The world's attention was gravitated to the Philippines in the year 1986 when â€Å"the cheapest revolution†9 in history was launched in order to overthrow the infamous regime of Ferdinand Adrenalin Marco's. The latter was forced to go to an exile in Hawaii, United States. When Core was inaugurated as President, her administration reorganized the entire governmental order and promulgated the Freedom Constitution that abrogated the operation of the 1973 Constitution.The â€Å"Freedom Constitution† was the precursor of the 1987 organic law. In the latt er part of the same year, she ordered the formation of a Constitutional Commission through Proclamation no. 9 to draft a new constitution to legalize the new government. The regular session of the said commission was held from June 2 – October 15, 1986. It was headed by Cecilia Munson Palm, the first woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the Philippines, as chairman, together with Ambrosia B. Patella as vice- chairman. Napoleon G. Ram served as floor leader with Jose D.Cauldron and Madam Domain Alonso, a Muslim legislator, as assistant floor leaders. Members of the commission came from different walks of life which encompass such prominent names as former COMELY Commissioner Rene Sacramento, former Associate Justice Florien Regarded, former Chief Justice Hilarious Divide, Jar. , Dean Emeritus of Atone Law School FRR. Joaquin G. Barnes, S. J. , award-winningly director Lion Brocks, and notable lawyer Christian Monsoon. After drafting the newly structured and designed f undamental law, the commission recommended to President Aquinas the scheduling of the plebiscite for the ratification of the proposed code.A three-month period was given for the people to carefully study and scrutinize such. The plebiscite was scheduled on the 2nd February, 1987. During the campaign period for the ratification, Filipinos were quite apprehensiveness eventually, they approved the plebiscite. The process was a huge success with 76. 29% affirming the ratification while 22. 74% were on the contrary. The 1987 text is pretty lengthy and wordy which is composed of eighteen articles. Historical experiences have molded it into its present form and substance particularly the enormous impact of the Martial Law Era.THE PREAMBLE A Grand Introduction A book has a preface, a thesis has an abstract, and for the case of the constitution, here is a preamble. From the Latin word â€Å"presumably† meaning â€Å"going in front†, achieved through its expression of the author s of the document and their corresponding ideals and aspirations. It must be noted that the Preamble is not a source of rights, obligations and powers for both citizenry and government side. But because it sets down the origin, scope, and purpose of the Constitution, it is useful as an aid in ascertaining the meaning of ambiguous provisions of the Constitution. 0 For a better understanding of the messages imparted by the Preamble, several distinct partitions will be created and analyzed. We, the Sovereign Filipino People. This opening phrase indicates the main authors of the Constitution. What is unique in this construction is that the first person point of view was employed through the usage of the word â€Å"we. † This is very different form the case of the 1935 Constitution wherein the third person point of view was reflected by the less captivating description â€Å"The Filipino people. † FRR.Joaquin Barnes, one of the framers of the current organic document, expla ined that the â€Å"third person approach (1935) suggests that another power (the United States) was merely announcing that the Filipinos were anally allowed to promulgate a Constitution. â€Å"11 Hence, â€Å"The Filipino people† in the 1935 text clearly conjures the situation of the Philippines at that time being under the hands of another sovereign power and has not achieved true independence. During the euphoria of imperialism, the term â€Å"Filipino' does not apply to the natives of the Philippines.The Spanish colonization has founded a social stratification where natives were placed at the bottom of the social ladder while pure-blooded Spaniards (peninsular and insulates) and messiest are situated in a much higher position. These groups were regarded as Filipinos while the natives were branded as â€Å"indigos†?a moniker that signified racial discrimination. It is incredible to know that the framers of the 1973 and 1987 Constitution visualized the commonality among us; that we are one homogeneous body and truly Filipinos by heart.Imploring the Aid of Almighty God. Len both 1935 and 1973 texts, this phrase is worded as â€Å"Imploring the guidance of the Divine Providence† as a form of respect to the the religious freedom of every person situated in the Philippine archipelago including non-believers. During the deliberations of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, it was decided that â€Å"guidance† would be replaced by â€Å"aid† since the latter is a â€Å"more all-embracing term†12 compared to the former. Divine Providence† also yielded to â€Å"Almighty God† due to the realization that the latter implies greater intimacy regarding our relationship with the Divine and is considered as â€Å"more consonant with Filipino religiosity. â€Å"13 Basically, this part of the preamble creates a remarkable picture on how we value the role of the Omnipotent as the rudder leading us to our outstanding lo ries and destinies in life. Build a Just and Humane Society. The state and the government being created by the people themselves must uphold and create a social order that ensures fairness and greatly values human rights and dignity.The phrase added the notion that a constitution not merely sets up a government but is also an instrument for building the larger society of which government is merely a part. 14 Establish a Government. This phrase was carried on by both 1935 and 1973 constitutions in their respective preambles. One of the major intentions in drafting a institution is to establish a government that would regulate both internal and external affairs of the state and has complete autonomy in the eyes of the establishment of this structure: 1. Embody our Ideals and Aspirations.This refers to the primary responsibility of the government in advancing people's interests and not its own selfish political agendas because the powers of the same emanates from the governed per SE. 2 . Promote the Common Good. â€Å"General welfare† was used in both 1935 and 1973 texts but it was agreed by the 1986 Constitutional Commission that â€Å"common good† would supplant it in the new constitution. The rationale is found in the implication of the former phrase as the greater good of the majority and not the greater good of all components of society. Thus, â€Å"good† must be common to all. 3.Conserve and Develop Our Patrimony. â€Å"Patrimony' is so extensive when we speak of its scope since it includes everything that is rightfully owned by the people both material (resources) and immaterial (customs and traditions) ones. The government must see to it that these valued belongings of the nation must be preserved, conserved and developed. 4. Securing the Blessings of Independence and Democracy. This particular segment is not totally similar to the 1935 Constitution because the previous organic laws preamble only mentioned â€Å"the blessing of indep endence† in the third person point of view.This scenario suggests the Philippines' status during the American occupation which is still preparing to accomplish the colossal goal of self-rule. As seen in the current version, â€Å"democracy was already inserted in order to mirror the fact that the country is already a separate and independent state observing the principles of Republicanism and Democracy. In addition, this phrase is accompanied by the word â€Å"posterity' to stress out that the securing of the blessings of independence and democracy' extends even up to the eras of the next generations.Dating and Campanile also emphasized that the government established must also operate under the following conditions: 1. Under the Rule of Law. The created â€Å"medium of the state† must follow and be guided by the laws of the land. It bolsters the principle that â€Å"ours is a government of laws and not of men† which means that no person or institution is above the law. 2. Under the Regime of Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love, Equality and Peace. â€Å"Justice† and â€Å"liberty' were enshrined in the 1935 text while peace† and â€Å"equality' were added in the 1973 Constitution. What is new in the 1987 document is the inclusion of the words â€Å"truth† and â€Å"love. Truth was incorporated in order to impart to the readers of the Constitution how dismaying and hateful the acts committed by the previous administration (Marco's) in plunging the public into the pool of myriad lies. On the other hand, love symbolized the successful staging of the bloodless revolution against the iron rule of a dictator. THE NATIONAL TERRITORY Territorial Jurisdiction of the Philippines Territory is one of the four elements of the state and Just like the effect of the cinematic of people, destruction of the government, and loss of sovereignty, without it, the existence of the state would be in huge peril.Thus, it is important for a state integrity. As expounded by Article 1, the general scope of the national territory of the Republic of the Philippines includes: 1. The Philippine Archipelago. It is generally understood that the Philippine archipelago is the aggregate of the major island groupings namely Luzon, Visas, and Mindanao. An archipelago whose etymology originates from the Greek word appeals(meaning composed of several islands or groups of islands surrounded by water. Tracing the national territory provisions of the 1935 Constitution, the â€Å"Philippine archipelago' also covers: a.The whole Philippine territory ceded by Spain to the United States of America via the Treaty of Paris which was contracted between the two parties on the 10th of December, 1898. B. Subunit Islands and Canaan De Sulk which were clarified by the Treaty of Washington that was signed on November 7, 1900. C. Turtle and Manages Islands through the Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain whose purpose was to d elimit the boundary between the Philippine archipelago and North Borneo. The said convention was signed on January 2, 1930. . Philippine Waters. â€Å"Waters† in this sense applies to all the water forms found in the entirety of the territory. Due to the nature of the Philippines as an archipelago state, the waters embracing its islands (internal waters) are also considered as vital parts of its territorial control. Moreover, the term includes the territorial sea, contiguous zone, and Exclusive Economic Zones (ZEE). 3. Other Territories. These â€Å"other territories over which the Philippines exercises sovereignty or Jurisdiction† entail the inclusion of the allowing: a.The islands of Battles as reflected by the clause â€Å"all territory over which the present government of the Philippine Islands exercises Jurisdiction†16 in the 1935 Constitution. B. Those realms belonging to the Philippines based on historical right or legal title, such as Saba in Northern Bo rneo, enshrined in Article 1 of the 1973 fundamental law. On a more specific perspective, the territorial Jurisdiction of the Philippines is comprised of three kinds of domain namely: 1 .The terrestrial domain corresponds to the Philippine landmass and land forms making up the whole archipelago such as mountains, hills, valleys, volcanoes, islands and islets, etc. Furthermore, this domain embraces the natural and mineral resources found in (floras and faunas) and below (subsoil) the land surface. 2. On the other side, fluvial domain relates to the national waters enclosed by the archipelago baseline and the expanse of water located outside of the same marker. It also incorporates the seabed, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. A.National waters include the water forms situated within the Philippine landmass like lakes, falls, rivers, canals, bays and treats as well as the internal waters identified by the archipelago doctrine. I. Archipelago Doctrine is a generally accep ted principle in International Law that is being incorporated and can be found in the last part of the National Territory provision. It states that â€Å"the waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines. This doctrine is usually applicable to those states whose territory is archipelago in nature such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan. It solidifies the fact that in the case of archipelago states, the islands, even though separated by bodies of water, will still be treated as a â€Å"single integral geographical and political unit. â€Å"17 ii. Straight Baseline Method is the most commonly baseline method which follows the contours of the landmass, it is done by determining the outermost points of the archipelago and connecting such points with straight lines producing an irregular polygon.The waters within the baselines shall be considered as internal w aters; while the breadth of the territorial sea shall then be measured from the baselines. 18 iii. The Constitution treats the waters inside the baseline as internal waters but International Law through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOGS) considers it as archipelago waters. In the eyes of the municipal law, no foreign vessels can enter the internal waters without the state's consent. On the other side of the scale, International Law recognizes that foreign vessels may navigate the archipelago waters in the exercise of involuntary entrance only.Passage is innocent as long as a ship refrains from engaging in certain prohibited activities which includes but not limited to weapons jesting, spying, smuggling, serious pollution, fishing, or scientific research. 19 Involuntary Entrance refers to emergency scenarios wherein a foreign vessel enters territorial waters by reason of lack of provisions, ship is incapable of continuing the voyage, weather disturbances, e tc. B. Outside the baseline, one can find the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE), maritime areas, and the open sea. I.The dimensions and measurements of the first three are also determined by the UNCLOGS, an international agreement which was partaken by the Philippines as one of the signatory states. It. The territorial sea or waters is about 12 nautical miles from the baseline. The coastal state exercises full sovereignty and Jurisdiction over this area; yet foreign ships can enter it on account of the right of innocent passage and involuntary entrance. Iii. Another 12 nautical miles from the baseline of the territorial sea is the contiguous zone where territorial Jurisdiction of the coastal state is not absolute.Even though control is limited in this area, the coastal state is still entitled to â€Å"prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea. 20 In addition , hot pursuit can still be conducted in this zone. ‘v. Just like the previous zone, the Exclusive Economic Zone or ZEE (about 200 nautical miles from the archipelago baseline) is also not a solid component of the national territory of the Philippines.What is significant about this area is that the coastal state has the right to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage the natural and mineral reserves as well as install structures and conduct marine scientific research within its maritime dominion. V. Maritime areas include the seabed, the subsoil beneath the seabed, and the insular shelves which are redundantly found within the areas of the territorial seas, contiguous zones and the ZEE. V'. The high seas also known as international waters or open seas are definitely beyond the Jurisdiction of the coastal state.